Illustration of U-Park, which also provides a view of the interior.
Illustration of U-Park, which also provides a view of the interior.



For tight space constraints in urban areas

In view of the increasing number of megacities worldwide and the growing population living in urban areas, space on the surface is becoming increasingly scarce and correspondingly more expensive. For this reason, urban planners see the future of infrastructure and logistics underground. This applies not only to supply and disposal networks in major cities, but also to the further development of sustainable traffic infrastructure.

To ease the inner-city parking situation, new space can be developed underground – with positive effects on the environment and on people's quality of life. The smart Herrenknecht U-Park concept is a combination of mechanized shaft construction using VSM technology and the subsequent installation of an automatic parking system with the associated technical equipment.

The advantages of U-Park at a glance

  • Shifts stationary traffic underground
  • Avoids traffic searching for a parking space and increases quality of life and safety for drivers and residents
  • Minimal space requirements open up new design and utilization options for above-ground space, especially where ground space is extremely scarce and expensive – for example, when converting outdated parking garages into modern, underground parking systems
  • Compact jobsite setup in tight spaces and in densely built-up areas
  • Safe mechanized shaft sinking in a wide variety of ground conditions, even possible under groundwater

VSM technology for deep shaft construction

In order to use the available space as economically as possible, the shaft diameter and depth of the Herrenknecht U-Park system are planned and designed with the respective local requirements, environmental conditions and user-friendliness in mind. Building the deepest possible shafts is a key factor in enabling maximum parking space capacity per U-Park facility and meeting cost-effectiveness requirements.

The advantages of mechanized shaft construction with VSM technology become more apparent the deeper the shaft is sunk. The method was specifically developed for difficult geological conditions, such as high groundwater pressures and changing, solid and soft ground layers.

It meets the key requirements for the construction of shafts in inner cities: no complex groundwater lowering; maximum production accuracy and safety, both for the site crew and for surrounding buildings; flexible arrangement of site equipment.

Photo: U-Park® Nanjing

Installation of the automatic parking system

As soon as the shaft is completely finished, the automatic parking system and the technical equipment can be installed. Only the entrance and exit will later be at ground level: in the ground-level reception booth, the intelligent, computer-aided system receives the vehicle from the driver before the driverless car then glides down to a free space in the parking shaft. Matched to the overall capacity of the parking system and arrangement of the platforms, the system manages the parking and removing of vehicles with maximum efficiency and safety. The installation of charging stations for electric vehicles and the integration of car sharing services are also possible.

Access to the parking levels is not necessary and is therefore reserved for service personnel. This reduces the costly installation of lighting and ventilation systems to a minimum.

The ground-level access and the simple handover of the car to a closed system not only benefit those with disabilities, but also significantly reduce the risk of property damage or other crimes in some older parking areas.

The design of the entrance and exit on the surface depends primarily on the size and capacity of the Herrenknecht U-Park system. Reception booths can be integrated into new or existing buildings or building complexes and connected to local traffic management. The drive-in booths can be designed to be independent or integrated into building concepts as desired.

The newly created underground space can be optimally adapted to the respective user group. A wide range of parking system concepts and parking space arrangements are available for this purpose. On request, support is also available with regard to the selection of professional planners and parking system providers.

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Steffen Dubé President and General Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA Inc.
Gerhard Goisser Commercial Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA, Inc.

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Steffen Dubé President and General Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA Inc.
Gerhard Goisser Commercial Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA, Inc.