Tweede Heinenoordtunnel
Netherlands, Heinenoord
1997 – 1998
Shield premiere in the Netherlands

The second Heinenoord Tunnel in the south of Rotterdam is a pilot project in order to gain experience in mechanized tunnelling in soft ground with high groundwater level – the typical geological formation encountered in the western Netherlands. The twin-tube tunnel is planned for slow traffic providing separate lanes for pedestrians, cyclists and agricultural vehicles. The objective is to relieve the existing first Heinenoord Tunnel beneath the Oude Maas River ("Old River Maas") between Rotterdam and the Europoort area.

A Herrenknecht Mixshield, 8.55 meters in diameter, excavated the tunnel. This machine type is specially designed for tunnelling in heterogeneous geological conditions. To stabilize the ground during excavation, a bentonite-water mixture is used for tunnel face support and the tunnel is lined with segment rings parallel to excavation. Only one year after the installation of the first segment, the first section was successfully completed. Breakthrough along the second section occured in July 1998. The new tunnel is opened to traffic on September 16, 1999.

Data Sheet

Country, Location

Netherlands, Heinenoord


1997 – 1998




Heterogeneous ground
Sand, clay

Tunnelling length

1,878 m

Machine Data

1x Mixshield:
Diameter: 8,550 mm
Lining method: Segmental lining
Cutterhead power: 500 kW
Torque: 4,520 kNm

Your contact person Contact us

Steffen Dubé President and General Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA Inc.
Gerhard Goisser Commercial Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA, Inc.