Carving the rail links of the future
More mobility on rails

Goods and passenger traffic on trains is expected to almost double by 2035 compared to 2005.

Setting the course for the future

High-speed railway networks are expected to expand in many regions. In 2050, people and goods will move at high speeds on more than 160,000 kilometers of rail tracks.

We prove our performance over the entire project route

Around the globe, contractors using Herrenknecht tunnelling technology are working to bring people closer to each other with direct train connections. 

New national and transnational rail networks for passenger and freight traffic are being created worldwide. Whether through mountain ranges, under rivers or beneath densely populated urban areas – tunnelling technology and experts from Herrenknecht are usually present at the key points. Together we use state-of-the-art technologies to build many kilometers of new, efficient railway tunnels every year. Highest technical and quality standards in combination with individual all-round service ensure your project remains on time and on track economically over the entire distance. 

We connect what
belongs together

Road, railway, metro, utility, pipeline, hydropower, mining, and exploration: Herrenknecht’s references include more than 6,200 completed projects around the world. Our tunnelling technology helps to build tunnels, pipelines, shafts, and production wells in all types of ground with diameters ranging from 0.10 to 19 meters. Pioneering technology from Herrenknecht is creating the infrastructure to take people forward, paving the way for progress. As the world’s leading provider, Herrenknecht stands for:

In short: we make every effort to ensure that your project runs as smoothly as possible, while staying on budget and on schedule.

Railway networks could
substitute many flights

Global high-speed rail by thousand track-kilometers and region,
2017 and 2050

Share of flights that could be substituted by high-speed rail per region

Combatting climate
change with sustainable
railway infrastructure

Modern rail systems as a resilient and low-carbon
solution for tackling climate change

Andreas Raedle, Consultant / Planner, Arup

“Evaluating the whole life carbon of a railway infrastructure project is more critical than the impacts of construction, which are small in comparison to the operation of a transportation system.”

Example jobsite

Herrenknecht tunnel boring machines push ahead to expand high-speed networks around the world, whether through mountain ranges, under rivers or beneath densely populated urban areas.

Railway tunnel

Double Shield TBMs can achieve very high tunnelling performances in stable rock. This sophisticated technology is perfectly suited for excavating long railway tunnels in hard rock.

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Railway tunnel

Double Shield TBMs can achieve very high tunnelling performances in stable rock. This sophisticated technology is perfectly suited for excavating long railway tunnels in hard rock.

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Removal of excavated material

The belt conveyors are for removing the excavated soil or rock. To extend the belt during operation, vertical or horizontal belt conveyor storage systems are used on construction sites with restricted space.

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Ventilation shaft

The VSM is sinking a ventilation or rescue shaft for a railway tunnel to be built later - safely, quickly and precisely. It can be used both in stable ground and below groundwater.

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Slurry circuit

Efficient and sequential processes separate and remove the excavated soil from the bentonite suspension. The cleaned suspension is then transferred back to the slurry circuit.


Double Shield TBMs can achieve very high tunnelling performances in stable rock. This sophisticated technology is perfectly suited for excavating long railway tunnels in hard rock.

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Double Shield TBMs can achieve very high tunnelling performances in stable rock. This sophisticated technology is perfectly suited for excavating long railway tunnels in hard rock.

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The belt conveyors are for removing the excavated soil or rock. To extend the belt during operation, vertical or horizontal belt conveyor storage systems are used on construction sites with restricted space.

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The VSM is sinking a ventilation or rescue shaft for a railway tunnel to be built later - safely, quickly and precisely. It can be used both in stable ground and below groundwater.

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Efficient and sequential processes separate and remove the excavated soil from the bentonite suspension. The cleaned suspension is then transferred back to the slurry circuit.

Tunnelling technology for railway tunnels

Learn more about our full range of tunnelling technology for your upcoming tunnel project.

EPB Shield
Soft ground
4 - 19 m
Heterogeneous ground
Double Shield TBM
3.8 - 14m
Single Shield TBM
Segmental lining: 2.8 - 14m, pipe jacking: ≥ 1.54m
Gripper TBM
Main Beam Gripper 3.5 – 12.5m, Shield Gripper 3.0 - 3.5m
View all products

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Steffen Dubé President and General Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA Inc.
Gerhard Goisser Commercial Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA, Inc.

Your contact person Contact us

Steffen Dubé President and General Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA Inc.
Gerhard Goisser Commercial Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA, Inc.