Building energy networks of the future
Many projects in the pipeline

The density of the international pipeline network is increasing all the time to secure global demand for oil and gas. Over 900 projects with 300,000 kilometers of pipelines are being planned worldwide.

Demand for oil and gas is rising continuously

The worldwide production of oil in 2040 will exceed 115 million barrels a year. At the same time, global gas production will be over 186 trillion cubic feet per year.

With our technology, you'll pass under even the most challenging obstacles safely

At topographical key points, with Herrenknecht tunnelling technology new connections are created to push the rapid expansion of pipeline networks around the world.

Whether through deserts, waterways or over mountains – pipelines often stretch over thousands of kilometers to transport resources such as oil and gas to their destinations. Again and again small and large obstacles have to be crossed under in order to create new connections on the direct and thus shortest path. At these key points, drilling contractors around the world use our technologies to install hundreds of kilometers of pipelines per year, quickly, safely and economically. Herrenknecht machines and methods can cope with tight space constraints and install underground pipelines in all geologies. Exactly where they are needed.

With us you can install any pipeline underground



Around the globe, every year hundreds of kilometers of pipelines are installed underground using our tunnelling technologies and methods. For your project this means:

In short: we do everything to ensure your project runs as smoothly as possible while keeping to budget and to schedule.

Example jobsite overview

In pipeline construction, topographical barriers such as rivers, lakes or dense urban development often interfere with the direct route. At these key points, Herrenknecht's innovative installation technology blazes its own trenchless trail.

Microtunnelling machine (Direct Pipe® method)

The AVN Machine connected on top of the pre-fabricated pipeline excavates the soil using the Direct Pipe® method while simultaneously installing the pipeline in one single work step. This saves costs and time.

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Pipe Thruster (Direct Pipe® method)

The Pipe Thruster transfers the necessary thrust force to the AVN Machine through the pipeline. Using the Direct Pipe® method, it brings the pre-fabricated pipe string to the other bank even beneath wide rivers. 

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Horizontal Drilling Rigs from Herrenknecht are a cost effective, fast, and ecological option for installing pipelines through different ground conditions crossing beneath obstacles such as rivers. 

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Separation plant

Efficient and sequential processes separate and remove the excavated soil from the bentonite suspension – a mixture of water and thixotropic clay. The cleaned suspension is then retransferred back to the slurry circuit.

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The AVN Machine connected on top of the pre-fabricated pipeline excavates the soil using the Direct Pipe® method while simultaneously installing the pipeline in one single work step. This saves costs and time.

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The Pipe Thruster transfers the necessary thrust force to the AVN Machine through the pipeline. Using the Direct Pipe® method, it brings the pre-fabricated pipe string to the other bank even beneath wide rivers. 

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Horizontal Drilling Rigs from Herrenknecht are a cost effective, fast, and ecological option for installing pipelines through different ground conditions crossing beneath obstacles such as rivers. 

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Efficient and sequential processes separate and remove the excavated soil from the bentonite suspension – a mixture of water and thixotropic clay. The cleaned suspension is then retransferred back to the slurry circuit.

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Tunnelling technology for pipeline installation

Learn more about our full range of tunnelling technology for your upcoming pipeline project.

AVN Machine
Soft ground Heterogeneous ground Rock
0.2–2m (8–80")
Soft ground Rock
Direct Pipe®
0.8–1.5m (30–60“)
Soft ground Heterogeneous ground Rock
Pipe Express®
0.9–1.5 m (36–60“)
Soft ground Heterogeneous ground
Partial-face Excavation Machine
Soft ground Heterogeneous ground Rock
View all products

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Steffen Dubé President and General Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA Inc.
Gerhard Goisser Commercial Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA, Inc.

Your contact person Contact us

Steffen Dubé President and General Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA Inc.
Gerhard Goisser Commercial Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA, Inc.