Illustration of a roadheader with a view of the interior with a stone wall in the background.
Illustration of a roadheader with a view inside.

Partial-face Excavation Machine

Economical tunnelling technology with high flexibility

Geology Soft ground Heterogeneous ground Rock
(up to 80MPa)

Partial-face Excavation Machines in operation

Partial-Face Excavation Machines from Herrenknecht represent an economically interesting solution in homogeneous and more or less stable soils with little groundwater. Thanks to the simple design, the excavation technology can be easily adapted to changing geological conditions in both loose soils and consolidated rock.

One machine, two excavation methods

Herrenknecht Partial-Face Excavation Machines can excavate soil using two different cutting tools. The excavator arm has proven its worth hundreds of times in loose soils.  Depending on the ground conditions, the universal excavator is equipped with an excavation bucket, ripper or hydraulic hammer.  

Rotating roadheaders are used in consolidated rock with uniaxial compressive strengths of up to 80 megapascals. With both techniques, worn tools can be changed quickly and easily.  

The soil is removed via belt conveyors or scraping conveyors and conveyor buckets.

Functional principle

Forward shield

The rim of the shield is extended in the crown section to reduce the repose angle in incohesive geologies

Excavation tool

A hydraulic roadheader or excavator boom is used – depending on the geology

Shield skin

Protects the machine and operator against the surrounding geology

Articulation joint

Control cylinders allow precise steering and navigation of Partial-face Excavation Machines

Belt conveyor

Transports the excavated material to the back-up conveying systems

Jacking pipes

Are advanced from the launch shaft and transfer the thrust forces from the jacking frame to the machine

Muck skip

Transports the excavated material with the help of a cable winch to the launch shaft

Main drive

Provides the necessary energy for all functions of the excavation tools


The rim of the shield is extended in the crown section to reduce the repose angle in incohesive geologies

A hydraulic roadheader or excavator boom is used – depending on the geology

Protects the machine and operator against the surrounding geology

Control cylinders allow precise steering and navigation of Partial-face Excavation Machines

Transports the excavated material to the back-up conveying systems

Are advanced from the launch shaft and transfer the thrust forces from the jacking frame to the machine

Transports the excavated material with the help of a cable winch to the launch shaft

Provides the necessary energy for all functions of the excavation tools

Direct view of the tunnel face for controlled soil excavation

The machine operator has a view of the tunnel face. This allows him to monitor the excavation very precisely and respond immediately to changes in the subsoil or obstacles (e.g. boulders).

Operating principle at a glance:

Roadheader or excavator boom removes the soil

Mechanical methods for support, e.g. forward shield or transverse platforms

 Belt conveyors or scraping belts provide efficient removal of the muck

Hydraulic thrust cylinders in the shield or a jacking frame in the launch shaft push the machine forward.

Pipe jacking or segmental lining

Mechanical support of the tunnel face 

Partial-Face Excavation Machines are open shield tunnelling machines. They do not have a closed system for pressure equalization at the tunnel face. Instead, various mechanical methods can be used to ensure adequate face support.  

To this end, Partial-Face Excavation Machines are usually designed as forward shields with an extension of the cutting edge in the crown area to support the ground.  

For additional support of the tunnel face, hydraulically extendable poling plates or breast plates can be used in the crown area. This enables continuous adjustment of the tunnel face support and the angle of repose of the excavated soil.  

For larger diameters, transverse platforms can be installed at different levels. They can be equipped with several permanently installed cutting tools to speed up the excavation process.

Compressed air support as an option  

In partially water-bearing soils, Partial-Face Excavation Machines and part of the tunnel can be pressurized with compressed air via a lock system. This prevents groundwater ingress. The shield operator's workplace is located in the protected overpressure area.

Further information


Simple, safe, and economical breakthroughs 

Partial-Face Excavation Machines from Herrenknecht are easy to operate, have low acquisition costs and achieve very good advance rates in suitable ground conditions. Partial-Face Excavation Machines can therefore be a very economical solution for both pipe jacking and segmental lining.

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Steffen Dubé President and General Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA Inc.
Gerhard Goisser Commercial Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA, Inc.

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Steffen Dubé President and General Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA Inc.
Gerhard Goisser Commercial Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA, Inc.