Illustration of a Direct Pipe, which also allows a view into the interior with a stone wall in the background.
Illustration of a direct pipe, which also provides a view of the interior.

Direct Pipe®

One-step pipeline installation 

Geology Soft ground Heterogeneous ground Rock
0.8–1.5m (30–60“)

Direct Pipe® in operation

Direct Pipe® is a one-step installation method for underground crossings in pipeline construction. A Pipe Thruster is used to push a prefabricated pipeline from a launch pit through the ground to the target point. The soil is excavated at the face by a tunnel boring machine.


Efficient installation of pipelines for almost all geologies

The jacking system, consisting of a slurry-supported AVN microtunnelling machine and a Pipe Thruster, is assembled in the launch pit and welded to the prefabricated pipeline. Depending on the available space, the pipeline is laid out on roller blocks in sections that are as long as possible. While the AVN machine excavates the soil at the face, the Pipe Thruster generates the necessary jacking force to push the machine forward together with the pipeline.

Soil excavation and simultaneous installation of the pipeline in a single work step directly result in permanent support of the borehole. This enables safe tunnelling even in heterogeneous or permeable soils.

Operating principle at a glance:

The excavation tools of the AVN Machine remove the soil

Hydraulic support using slurry suspension

Hydraulic slurry circuit through slurry pipes installed inside the pipeline

Pipe Thruster advances the AVN Machine through the pipeline

Minimum foot print, maximum efficiency

The foot print of the equipment at the launch and reception points is very small with the Direct Pipe® method. Therefore, the technology can be implemented even in densely populated residential areas – simple, close-to-the-surface launch and reception pits are sufficient. It is no longer necessary to construct deep shafts. The microtunnelling machine is recovered in segments of approximately 3 meters in length after excavation is finished. In a final step, the supply and discharge lines are removed from the pipeline. The crossing is complete and the pipeline has been installed in one single step.

Functional principle

Further information


Sea outfall: environmentally friendly landfall in coastal areas

Direct Pipe® can be used for the landfall of offshore pipelines and wind farms. For this purpose, the tunnel boring machine with pipeline or protective pipe is driven out to sea from a launch pit on land. Once it has reached the destination, the tunnel boring machine is recovered from the seabed - the only maritime work step in a landfall. The machine is safely uncoupled using a specially developed recovery module. It can then be recovered using a floating crane or a lifting platform, or towed to the nearest port using buoyancy bodies. 

Unique combination

By developing the Direct Pipe® method, Herrenknecht has achieved a breakthrough in pipeline installation. This combination of two already proven technologies has shown its value particularly in its high installation speeds. At the same time, the environment remains largely unaffected, mainly because the pipeline can be installed in one single step. Moreover, the method can be used practically in any ground condition.

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Steffen Dubé President and General Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA Inc.
Gerhard Goisser Commercial Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA, Inc.

Your contact person Contact us

Steffen Dubé President and General Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA Inc.
Gerhard Goisser Commercial Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA, Inc.