Strong economy needs diversity

At Herrenknecht, over 50 different nationalities contribute to ambitious tunnelling projects worldwide and their successful completion. This diversity of backgrounds and expertise is more important than ever in times of a shortage of skilled workers. As part of the “Made in Germany - Made by Diversity” initiative, the company is therefore committed to promoting greater tolerance and combating xenophobia.

August 28, 2024, Schwanau Germany Under the motto “Made in Germany - Made by Diversity”, over 40 German family-owned companies are speaking out in favor of more tolerance and openness in society. Among them is Herrenknecht AG from Schwanau in southern Baden. The initiative was launched in connection with the state elections in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg. “Right-wing extremist ideas are becoming socially acceptable again. This development worries us. Democracy and diversity are the basis for a strong economy and our prosperity. I would like us to have more awareness of this again,” demands Martin-Devid Herrenknecht, member of the Board of Management of Herrenknecht AG. Customers and partners who value Germany for its secure, democratic order are also becoming increasingly hesitant. “Isolation and exclusion, as called for by the AfD, for example, are fatal for us as a mediumsized company in the current economic situation,” he adds.

More than 50 different nationalities work together successfully at Herrenknecht. At the German site alone, 10 percent of employees are from neighboring France. The company has subsidiaries around the globe and on every continent. “Cultural diversity is a matter of course for us. We are proud of this; it makes us strong,” emphasizes Dr.-Ing E.h. Martin Herrenknecht, Chairman of the Board of Management. Especially in times of a shortage of skilled workers, it would be unthinkable to miss out on colleagues. According to Statista, there were 1.8 million vacancies in the industrial sector across Germany at the end of 2023. Talent is highly competitive, especially in STEM professions. This situation will become even more acute in the future when the baby boomer generation retires. “Immigration is essential in order to maintain and expand our economic strength,” emphasizes the Herrenknecht founder. For example, the long-established company has specifically recruited experts from South America and Eastern Europe. Numerous refugees have been able to start their professional careers at Herrenknecht and have integrated well into the company. Some of them are now training to become foremen. “What counts for us is not where you come from, but what you are willing to contribute,” he adds. Vacancies can be found on the family-owned company's website under the Careers section.

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Made in Germany – made by Vielfalt | Eine Initiative deutscher Familienunternehmen.

Your contact person Contact us

Steffen Dubé President and General Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA Inc.
Gerhard Goisser Commercial Manager Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA, Inc.