At Herrenknecht we only know one way: the way forward
Our tunnelling technology paves the way for a world in which underground infrastructure opens new horizons for humanity.
Around the globe, huge challenges await tunnel builders and miners underground. Whether beneath the Gotthard massif, the Yangtze River or the complex pipeline network in New York – with tenacity, irrepressible will and the highest level of professionalism we boldly go forward together with our customers. To master every small and large underground construction project, the technology leader Herrenknecht, with 5,000 employees, develops project-specific tunnelling technologies that turn visions into reality. For this reason, clients, contractors and planners around the world rely on our partnership and trust our brand promise:
In order to always be close to your projects and jobsites, with approx. 60 locations we are represented on all continents. Personal contact and personal support are an integral part of our comprehensive service philosophy. We are convinced that constant proximity to the market and projects is a decisive factor for your success.
We offer the complete product portfolio in mechanized tunnelling technology. Under the umbrella of the Herrenknecht Group, a strong team of highly specialized individual companies provides individual solutions for all aspects of tunnelling that optimally complement our expertise.
For you as a contractor and client this means a comprehensive range of services and products. We call this »full range tunnelling« – because you flexibly get exactly the services you need. Any time. Anywhere. From a single source.